Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hi there. I’m Tiki Momo. I am a big hairy monster (technically I’m a cryptid, but let’s keep it informal) from Missouri. Mo-Mo is actually short for Missouri Monster. The name took off after one of my relatives was spotted up around Louisiana, MO in the ‘70s. We, yes there are several of us, are like Sasquatch but we have bigger heads and only three fingers and toes.  Oh, and we are supposed to hate and kill dogs - rubbish!  We are all actually quite fond of dogs, in fact I have a pet corgi named Mr. Buttons.

Missouri is a fine place for the most part, but I have developed a love of all things Tiki . During the Lounge music/Exotica revival of the mid nineties, I discovered a love of retro cool, mid-century modern and Polynesian pop. While it was once popular all across the US, it sadly now has only a last few bastions- mostly in California and the west coast. I love to travel to the west coast when I can. I have some Sasquatch friends near Portland, OR. and love the tiki scene up there.  I would love to move out west, but I have family and friends here in MO. Unfortunately it’s not very tiki friendly around here.  What’s a monster to do?   In the mean time I get by making rum drinks in my home bar I call, The Enchanted Cove.

The other great love of my life is B movies. Ever since I was a cub and stayed up late to watch spooky movies, I’ve been fascinated by the genre.  Maybe the fact that I’m considered to be a monster myself helps me identify.  An early fan of Elvira and other horror hosts like Svengoolie, I soon developed a love of camp and “so bad it’s good” films.  Then came MST3K and my fate was sealed.  So, when I’m not sipping on a rum drink listening to Martin Denny Records, I’ll be watching a good B-movie.  I also write a B-Movie review with the help of my corgi, Mr. Buttons. Which you can read here or over at my Tumblr page.

Anyway that’s my story and what Monsters and Mai Tai’s will be about, so stay tuned , and stay weird.

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